
时间:2023-09-01 09:11:57 来源: 网络



Written exercises书面练习

A Complete these sentences using my, your, his or her.

完成以下句子,用my, your, his或her填空。


Hans is here. That is ______ car.

Hans is here. That is his car.

1 Stella is here. That is ______ car.

2 Excuse me, Steven. Is this ______ umbrella?

3 I am an air hostess. ______ name is Britt.

4 Paul is here, too. That is ______ coat.

B Write questions and answers using"s, his and hers.




whose is his shirt? It"s Tim"s. It"s his shirt.

1 handbag/Stella

2 car/Paul

3 coat/Sophie

4 umbrella/Steven

5 pen/my daughter

6 dress/my son

7 suit/my father

8 skirt/my mother

9 blouse/my sister

10 tie/my brother

11 pen/Sophie

12 pencil/Hans


Lesson 12


1 Stella is here. That is her car.

2 Excuse me, Steven. 1s this your umbrella?

3 I am an air hostess. My name is Britt.

4 Paul is here, too. That is his coat.


1 Whose is this handbag? It"s Stella"s. It"s her handbag.

2 Whose is this car? It"s Paul"s. It"s his car.

3 Whose is this coat? It"s Sophie"s. It"s her coat.

4 Whose is this umbrella? It"s Steven"s. It"s his umbrella.

5 Whose is this pen? It"s my daughter"s. It"s her pen.

6 Whose is this dress? It"s my son"s. It"s his dress.

7 Whose is this suit? It"s my father"s. It"s his suit.


8 Whose is this skirt? It"s my mother"s. It"s her skirt.

9 Whose is this blouse? It"s my sister"s. It"s her blouse.

10 Whose is this tie? It"s my brother"s. It"s his tie.

11 Whose is this pen? It"s Sophie"s. It"s her pen.

12 Whose is this pencil? It"s Hans". It"s his pencil.




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